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"IL IL" doesn't mean anything in Latin, unless it's the number 49 written twice in Roman numerals, although even that is questionable since it violates the usual rules for subtractive writing. Writing a letter with smaller value to the left of a letter with larger value indicates subtraction, but the larger number should not be more than ten times the smaller. Since L (= 50) is more than ten times I [= 1], IL [= 50 - 1?] violates this rule. The usual writing for 49 would be XLIX [= (50 - 10) + (10 - 1)].

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11y ago

Illi, from the Latin ille (an adjective meaning "that/those"), can be one of two things: either masculine nominative plural ("those (men)") or masculine/feminine/neuter dative singular ("(to) that (man/woman/thing)").

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