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Q: What does the Mayflower Compact say about equality and how might this view have influenced the system of government in the US?
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The Mayflower Compact

What was the document called that was signed in 1620 by the pilgrims that listed their plans for self-government?

the first American government document to be signed in 1620 was the Mayflower compact!

How did the mayflower compact influence the american law and constitution?

The question " How was the Constitution influenced by the Mayflower Compact?" has a fairly simple answer. It is because the Constitution as is the Mayflower Compact were formed on the same bases. The bases of equality and the fact that everyone was created equal. It also indirectly states back to the Constitution that we all have unalienable rights. "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness.\

Mayflower Compact was ruled by what type of government?

Democratic authority was established by the Mayflower Compact.

Where did the Mayflower compact?

The mayflower compact was an established tradition of elected Representative serving in the government.

What was the government in the Plymouth Colony?

They created their own form of Government through the Mayflower Compact

What The Mayflower compact establish?

The Mayflower compact established a temporary form of self-government. The Mayflower compact was established and signed on November 11, 1620.

What did the mayflower compact establish?

The Mayflower compact established a temporary form of self-government. The Mayflower compact was established and signed on November 11, 1620.

What did Mayflower Compact establish?

The Mayflower compact established a temporary form of self-government. The Mayflower compact was established and signed on November 11, 1620.

What was the Mayflower Compact an example of?

The Mayflower compact was an early example of representative government.

How do you think the mayflower compact influenced later government in America?

The mayflower compact made the colony more good by having a freedom from religion.

What documents influenced ideas about Government in the United States?

The documents that influenced ideas about government include: - Magna Carta - The Constitution - English Bill of Rights - Mayflower Compact - Declaration of Independence - State Constitutions - Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom