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Actually, the question is asked incorrectly. It should be, "What does parsley symbolize on Passover?" And the answer is that parsley symbolizes the tears shed by the Israelites when they were slaves, as well as the tears shed by all of us throughout life's difficulties.

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11y ago

In the seder meal the parsly, or other type of bitter herb, represents the bitter taste of slavery and affliction. In some homes parsley is used because it looks similar to a flail.

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Q: What does the Parsley on the Passover meal mean?
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the passover The passover is not a Christian meal. It is a Jewish meal/holiday.

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The Passover celebration commemorates the flight from Egypt. There was no Passover meal before the flight.

What is eaten at the passover?

Today, we eat matzos (special hardtack prepared in accordance with Jewish law), plus wine, a sprig of parsley, bitter herbs (such as Romaine lettuce and horseradish) and haroset (a mixture of apples, wine, cinnamon and nuts), plus the holiday meal. These are had as part of the Passover Seder, in which the Exodus from Egypt is retold at length. When the Holy Temple still stood, the Passover sacrifice was part of the group meal (Exodus ch.12).

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When is a typical Passover meal?

At sundown.

When was the Seder meal?

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Why do Jews eat Lettuce on the Passover?

Did you mean parsley, rather than lettuce? Parsley dipped in salt water is eaten as a rememberance of the salty tears shed by the Israelites (Though they weren't called that then) because of the hardships endured in Egypt.

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peter helped prepare the passover meal as he was being a friend which most people are not like these days unfortunatley!!!!

When does a Jewish person eat the Passover meal?

Passover is not a time of fasting, so Jewish people can eat during the middle of the day during Passover.

What consist of a Passover meal?

The ritual foods at a Passover seder are Matzah (unleavened bread), Maror (bitter herbs), Karpas (a green vegetable, usually parsley), Beitzah (a roasted, hard boiled egg), Haroset (a mixture of apples, nuts, cinnamon, wine) and Z'roa (a shank bone, usually represented by a turkey neck or a beet). Four cups of wine are traditional as well. The main course can be almost anything, as long as it complies with Passover dietary laws.

Before every meal year round Jews say a prayer why on passover do you eat the parsley before saying a prayer?

You don't! You dip it before the blessing so that there is no interruption between the blessing and eating, but you make the blessing and then eat.