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Q: What does the Saint Croix ground lizard eat?
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What do tango lizard eat?

a tango lizard eats insects, worms and spiders well what a lizard will eat

Can a grasshopper eat a lizard?

No, a lizard is too big for a grasshopper to eat.

How much does a lizard eat?

Depends what kind of lizard- but the average lizard may eat 16 works a week, or a tube of crickets

What does a monitor lizard eat?

The monitor lizard has a large diet. The lizard can eat eggs, smaller snakes, mice, small animals, fish, and birds. The lizard is a carnivore.

Do aboriginals eat cooked goanna?

Yes, Aboriginals eat cooked goanna lizard. They place the dead goanna on the ground, then bury it under hot ashes. Once it is cooked, the Aboriginals will eat the goanna lizard plain. This is a very old tradition that the Aboriginal people still use today.

What does a tego lizard eat?

The Tegus lizard, also known as the tupinambis lizard, is an omnivore. They eat plants and animals. They like to eat fruit, eggs, and small vertebrates.

How do you know if your lizard is a vegetarian?

If your lizard does not eat meat, then it is a vegetarian.

Does a lizard eat grashoppers?

It depends on the species of lizard. Some do.

Can a maggot eat a live lizard?

Yes, a maggot can eat a live lizard. There was a fatally wounded lizard on my driveway. It had a large hole, and maggots were along and in it.

What do Collared lizard do?

It depends on the type of lizard. Probably if your lizard is small it will eat bugs. Geckos, common side blotched lizards, alligator lizards, etc eat bugs. We feed my lizard crickets and meal worms, which my lizard is a common side blotched lizard. Hope I helped you and your lizard.

Do lizard lizards eat crikets?

It depends on the lizard. Most will but not all. Most geckos and bearded dragons will eat crickets. You need to be more specific on the lizard

What type of food does the lizard fish eat?

lizard fish food