

Best Answer

Kangaroo rats, rabbits, black-tailed jackrabbits (Lepus californicus), meadow voles, Hare, Prairie dogs, insects, lizards, snakes, fish, and ground-dwelling birds,

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Q: What does the San Joaquin kit fox eat?
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Can we save the San Joaquin kit fox?


What can you do to help the San Joaquin Kit Fox and keep them from being extinct?

you can build dens for them to live in,in there area. stop leaving pesticides in your gardens ,fields farms and other places a kit fox might roam.

Is the kit fox endangered?

because the water that is begging brought to the desert, farms are being built and the Kit fox is forced out of it's home underground. Also the crops that are being planted so they have to leave and be eaten by other animals. Or even when they set up wolf traps than they get into them and they die because they are so Hungary.

How many San Joaquin kit foxes are there left?

8,000 .......

What is the lifespan of the San Joaquin kit fox?

Foxes in the wild live 2-3 years but ones in urban or zoo environments can live up to 12 years

Is a San Joachim Kit Fox an omnivore herbivore or carnivore?

Yes they are

Where does the San Joaquin Kit Fox live?

they mostly live in the southwest part of the United States. They are found in Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, southern east part of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and western part of Texas.

What animal eats the kit fox?

they eat everything a normal fox does like berries,nuts and rabbits

What is number of fox in the US?

There are several species..Gray, red, kit, and swift..None are considered endangered except for the race San Joaquim kit fox.

What does kit fox eat?

Rodents and other small animals

Is a kit fox a vertebrate?

A kit fox is an omnivore, meaning they eat both meat and plants. They will sometimes eat grass to settle their stomachs like dogs do - and while they eat meat when it's available they will also eat fruits and berries when it's not.

Why is the kit fox named the kit fox?

A young fox is correctly called a cub, not a kit.