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They're both french.

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Q: What does the Statue of Liberty and croissants having common?
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What was the important of having statue?

The Statue of Liberty gives weman and us freedom for our country!!!

Is the Statue of Liberty a physical change or a chemical change?

No its a chemical change because the acid in the rain reacts with the copper in the statue having a reaction oxidizing it and turning it green.

What materials were used and how was the statue of liberty held together?

the materials were slabs of heavy metal put together so instead of having to use concrete

What kind of change has happened to the statue of liberty?

It was copper, but then over the years it rained and got wet and it was shipped all over the world that it turned green.They were thinking of removing the green, but they didnt because the green actually protects the statue of liberty.

How did the Greeks worship Hera?

By having a statue and prasing it

Is Liberty Island worth visiting without having tickets to the pedestal museum or crown?

Yes, for great shots of the Statue, as well as great views of Verrazano Bridge and Narrows, Hudson Bay and Downtown Manhattan. My advice, get off the boat, walk around the Statue and get back on the boat for an also worth visit of Ellis Island.

Should Baptists have Buddha garden statue lights in their garden?

"SHOULD" is a difficult word. Many Baptists would consider that an area of "individual soul liberty" or something that is up to the conscious of the individual. Many Baptists would reject having a Buddha statue. The argument would be for some that it is a statue that is used as a center focus for worship by many (making it an idol and something to avoid). Others would reject it because of the image's very strong link to the Buddhism religion. In this case, they might not see having the statue as "wrong" but rather "inappropriate" as a Baptist Christian. Some, however, would feel that a statue as a piece of art is not an idol unless you worship it. And such a statue may link to a different religion but that does make it "wrong" to have. For these Baptists, they may have such a statue strictly as a decorative art.

Who is statue did Caesar cry for not having done anything memorable in his life?

It was Pompey’s Statue

What is the Statue of Liberty cleaned with?

with a cloth and a rag :)a little history page - very interestingReclothing the First Lady of Metals -- Repair Concernscompleted on October 28, 1886."As her 100 birthday approached, the National Park Service decided she needed to be cleaned. Her copper was beginning to age. People in France and in America sent money for the restoration and by July 4 ,1986 she was cleaned and polished."Bicarbonate of Soda (baking soda) is used to clean the copper surface of the Statue of Liberty. It does cause some discoloration that fades with time.".....baking soda has long been recognized for its exceptional cleaning abilities beyond household applications. It was used to restore the Statue of Liberty in the 1980's, chosen for its ability to clean without destroying the integrity of the statue's surface."I know it has been cleaned because I was there when it was having the major repairs and cleaned for the 100 yr Celebration process. I also was there after it was completed.

When was the Statue of Liberty last cleaned?

neverFirst answer is wrong.The do continual maintenance work on the Statue of Liberty so that icon of Freedom of the People to last the test of time. The crown has been closed since 9-11!See way scaffold was built around The Statue Liberty to clean at (1st page) little history page - very interestingReclothing the First Lady of Metals -- Repair Concerns the First Lady of Metals -- Repair Details on October 28, 1886."As her 100 birthday approached, the National Park Service decided she needed to be cleaned. Her copper was beginning to age. People in France and in America sent money for the restoration and by July 4 ,1986 she was cleaned and polished."reference page 5Bicarbonate of Soda (baking soda) is used to clean the copper surface of the Statue of Liberty. It does cause some discoloration that fades with time.".....baking soda has long been recognized for its exceptional cleaning abilities beyond household applications. It was used to restore the Statue of Liberty in the 1980's, chosen for its ability to clean without destroying the integrity of the statue's surface."reference this helps a little bit.I know it has been cleaned because I was there when it was having the major repairs and cleaned for the 100 yr Celebration process. I also was there after it was completed.

When referring to the phrase Life liberty property define the word liberty?

Liberty is the option of having the right to defend oneself against the government.

What is the meaning of statuesque?

Partaking of, or exemplifying, the characteristics of a statue; having the symmetry, or other excellence, of a statue artistically made; as, statuesquelimbs; a statuesque attitude.