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charge coupled device, an array of receivers used to create a digital picture

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Q: What does the acronym ccd stand for in a telescope?
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CCD stands for?

The acronym CCD can stand for many different things, but the most common meaning is "charge-couple device." It is a device that is responsible for the movement of an electric charge from one part of a product to another.

What does the acronym GEST stand for?

The acronym GEST has a number of possible meanings. It can stand for 'Grants for Education Support and Training', 'Goddard Earth Science and Technology' or 'Galactic Exoplanet Survey Telescope'.

Where is the CCD module located in a 1998 Plymouth voyager?

There is no CCD module. CCD is the acronym for the communication system between computers on a 1998 Voyager. The engine, transmission, abs, airbag, cluster, HVAC, body, etc all communicate over the CCD bus, which is a pair of twisted wires.

From least to most sensitive the correct order is?

The human eye, simple telescope, photographic plate, and CCD.

How many mega pixels in telescope?

None. The megapixels are in the detecting device. e.g. a camera, a CCD device.

What does the acronym ICAN stand for?

There are many different possible organizations and businesses that the acronym ICAN could stand for. This acronym could stand for the International Cesarean Awareness Network. This acronym could also stand for the Independent Community Arts Network.

What is the name of letters that stand for a name?

Letters that stand for parts of a name are called initials.

What does the acronym CORNER stand for?

There is no acronym with the letters CORNER. It does not stand for anything because it does not exist. No concept or organization uses the acronym CORNER.

Does a telescope form a real image?

Yes. Both the objective lens in a refracting telescope and the main mirror in a reflecting telescope form real images at the prime focus. A frame of photo film or a CCD placed at that spot will capture the image.

What does the acronym TLA stand for?

TLA is an acronym that can stand for many things. In fact, it is sometimes used to stand for "Three Letter Acronym". It can also stand for Texas Library Association, Textile Labour Association and a host of other things as well.


The acronym AB stands for Architect Building.

What does the acronym LR stand for?

The acronym LR stands for Long Range.