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Q: What does the adverb answer in this sentence As a twelve year Gibson was big strong and completely fearless what is the adverb is this sentence?
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What is the adverb in the following sentence- as a twelve-year-old Gibson was big strong and completely fearless?

The adverb is completely.

Does fearless modify the adverb completely?

No, the other way around. The adverb COMPLETELY could modify the adjective FEARLESS. e.g. The lion tamer was completely fearless.

Is fearless an adverb?

No, it's an adjective, the adverb is fearlessly.

Is fearless an adjective?

Yes, fearless is an adjective. Also, the adverb form of it would be 'fearlessly'.

Is complete an adverb?

Yeah cause it has an "ly" but it depends if theres a verb in the sentence you're reading.

What is the adverb in the sentence Tennis star Althea Gibson's father once wanted her to be a boxer?

The word once is an adverb as it modifies the verb 'wanted'.The rule of thumb is that if the modifier answers one of four questions (how, when, where, or to what extent), then it is an adverb. The adverb 'once' answers 'when.'

Which is the adverb in the sentence' He completely answered all of the question before leaving room?

what is the adverb of the following sentence he com[pletly answered all of the questions before leaving the room

Is daringly an adverb?

Yes, it is. The adverb daringly means done in a bold, brave, or fearless manner.

Is the word completely an adverb?

Yes, the word completely is an adverb.Most, but not all, adverbs in the English language have the suffix -ly.An example sentence is "the boat was completely submerged underwater".

What is the adverb in this sentence -correctly underline the adverb in this sentence?

Correctly is the adverb in that sentence.

What word is the adverb in the following sentence Female tennis-star Althea Gibson's father wanted her to be a boxer?

you'll have to add one. Example:Female tennis-star Althea Gibson's father badly wanted her to be a boxer

What in this sentence has an adverb?

That sentence does not have an adverb.