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Q: What does the agora tell us about the culture of Athens?
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What does the Agora tell us the culture of Athens?

The Agora was an open place of assembly used first for citizens to gather for military duty or to hear from the ruling king or council while later it was used as an open marketplace.

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It shows us....Think about When , Where , Why.

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They became more advanced in the arts and we not as war-like as the Spartans. This proves that the Athenians are a well developed group of people.

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it tells us that they must have needed the energy.

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It depends on the quote.

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Ancient Greece was home to many cities, but the two dominant ones were Athens and Sparta. Athens gave us most of what we consider "Greek" culture, but Sparta provided the warrior ethos that made Greece strong.

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It is impossible to tell what the US did that Athen did not without having some more specific information, such as a time period. Please give more information.

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