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to show what eats what in the food chain :)

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Q: What does the arrow in a food chain or food wed present?
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What is the science definition for a food wed?

food chain

How can ecosystem affect a food wed and a food chain?

It just does

Where does fire ants fit in a food chain or wed?

As a Decomposer

How does food wed differ from food chain?

[science]a food web is more ways a consumer or proudecer is eatin and food chain shows little ways

How does food wed different from a food chain?

[science]a food web is more ways a consumer or proudecer is eatin and food chain shows little ways

What travels through a food chain or wed?

10 percent is traveled throughout

Is a dog located in a food chain or food web?

A food wed make up for the limations of food chains because food wed is made up of a number of food chains.One organism may feed on a number of organisms and in turn may be eaten by a number of organisms.

Where is the dhole in the main food web?

check on google somewhere u can find it just type in where is the dhole in the main food wed or chain

ways in which special relationship affect food web or chain/wed?

A food chain outlines who eats whom. A food web is all of the food chains in an ecosystem. Each organism in an ecosystem occupies a specific trophic level or position in the food chain or web.

How can you tell what eats what on a food wed?

the arrows mean "is eaten by" so for example, if there is a picture of a rabbit with a arrow pointing to a fox it would mean that the rabbit "is eaten by" the fox

Is a food chain known as a food wed?

Generally it's the same thing. Technically albeit the food web is a sort of graph that shows where energy is delivered through animals. (for example energy from phytoplankton go to clams which then goes to seagulls.) While a food chain shows in what order each animal is on a chart depending on how many predators they have. (for example mice have many predators and will be at the bottom of the food chain, while lions have few predators and are at the top of the food chain.)

Where is the great white shark on the food web?

Where is the great white shark on the food wed