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Where is the great white shark on the food wed

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Q: Where is the great white shark on the food web?
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by killing shark food with toxins

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the food web of the wish in the great lakes is small plankton<shrimp<sardines<shark<etc

Where is the hammerhead shark located in the food web?

The Hammerhead shark is located at the top of the food chain

What would a shark be in a food web?

sun, phytoplankton, zooplankton, small fish, big fish, shark otter

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Food webs and food chains are the same thing but a food web is made out of many food chains. A food chain in an aquatic area would be like the great white shark->big fish-> small fish->plankton. The arrows mean what the animals eat. The Great White will be at the top because there is no other bigger animal to devour ( eat) it. Food webs would be much bigger. It would have all of these food chains mixed together to make a huge web. :) :) :P

Where are the hammer head shark in a food web?

because so what

What is the food web for the pacific?

the food web for the pacific is: plankton-plant-small fish-big fish-shark-squid-whale So that's the food web of the pacific

What is the food chain of the great white shark?

Sharks live on a diet of fish and sea mammals (dolphins and seals) and turtles and seagulls. Sharks even eat other sharks. A blacktip shark might eat a dogfish shark, a bull shark might eat a blacktip shark, and a tiger shark might eat a bull shark!! - tnx frm: M*ll*n*

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The duck is in the cheesed food web.

Can you give me a food chain and food web with a White Tiger?

No I can't because white tigers are endangered and they have changed the food web of white tigers and they're in captivity.

Why are great white sharks camouflage if they are at the top of the food web?

So that they can approach their prey without being seen

What biome is the food web in?

shark eat fish fish eat algae