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The Bible doesn't say specifically "Grandparents must not .....", so you have to look at parental examples and extrapolate it:-

David is a good example of what NOT to do:

-he was a bad parent, his family life was atrocious, he didn't discipline his children, allowed them to do whatever they liked;

-He committed adultery with Bathsheba, who was his advisor Ahithopel's grandaughter, so since girls in those times were married off ASAP she was probably in her teens. (At the very least it would make David a cradle-snatcher.)

In the New Testament, ( paraphrasing Paul), he told fathers not to play favourites or favour one child over another and cause them to hate you.

Speaking personally, I am a grandparent and can relate to this: my father was a "hands-off" parent while my mother openly and blatently played favourites, and it wasn't me! (It still hurts.) With the grandchildren I have my favourites, and I have some I don't like as much but I try not to show it too much, but to share it equally around (if that makes sense). They didn't ask to be born, and their behaviour and personality is determined at least as much by their parents' combined genes as by their environment. I can't control who my children marry [and thus the genes of their children], I can't control their environment at home, but I can control MY environment. Think of yourself as a piece of pie, and when they are together give everyone an equal-sized piece, but if they come to you individually there's nothing wrong with giving them a second slice. Try not to play blatant favourites when they are together, but one thing you must do when they ask questions is to always tell the truth. Remember that you are accountable to God.

The short answer to your question is, basically, don't.

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