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John Kerry was born on December 11,1943,in Aurora,Colorado.He was the son of Richard and Rosemary Kerry.In 1944,he moved with his family to Massachusetts.In 1958,Kerry started school in New Hampshire.In 1966,he graduated from Yale University.In 1967,Kerry started serving in Vietnam.In 1969,he left Vietnam.In 1970,Kerry got married to Julia Thorne.In 1973,his daughter Alexandra was born.In 1976,his daughter Vanessa was born.In 1982,Kerry seperated from his wife Julie.In 1984,he was elected to the Senate.In 1987,John and Julia got divorced.In 1995,Kerry got married to Theresa Heinz.In 1997,he published his book called The New War.At the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston,the Democrats chose Kerry to be their candidate for president.Kerry chose Senator John Edwards of North Carolina to be his running mate.On November 2,2004,Kerry lost the 2004 presidential election to president George W.Bush.In 2013,he was appointed secretary of state.

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The Secretary of State fulfills this role. The Secretary of State under Barack Obama is, in 2014, John Kerry.

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The current Secretary of State is John Kerry. The Secretary of State is one of the heads of the United States government, whose job mostly revolves around foreign affairs.

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The current Secretary of State is John Kerry, he is the 68th Secretary of State and was sworn into office to serve under President Barrack Obama on February 1, 2013.

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Hawaii does not have a separate secretary than the rest of the nation. The secretary of state for the entire country is John Kerry.