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a mockingbird sings for people and it does not make nests in their crops. i think bluejays are otherwise. thus, its okay to kill blue jays but you shouldn't kill mockingbirds as its a sin. because they did not do anything to harm you. a representation of a mockingbird in the book could be tom Robinson or boo radley. or even the roly poly bug in one of the chapters near the ending, when jem tell scout not to step on it cos it did not do anything to her.

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1mo ago

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the blue jay represents Mrs. Dubose, a cantankerous old woman in the Finch's neighborhood. The blue jay symbolizes her harsh and argumentative nature, as well as her tendency to speak her mind without concern for others' feelings. By likening Mrs. Dubose to a blue jay, Harper Lee reinforces the idea that appearances can be deceiving and that we should strive to look beyond initial impressions.

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10y ago

The Blue jays represent the bad people of society like Bob ewell. He has no morals when he accuses Tom of the crime of having raped mayella because this isn't true. He treats others unfairly and wrongs them. Thats why Atticus says in his famous qoute to shoot all the bluejays you can if you can hit'em. because then you would rid socety of the bad people who are evil.

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12y ago

it symbolizes Bob Ewell and Miss Stephine also a little bit of miss Marriweather. They harm others and are mean

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In To Kill a Mockingbird why is it a sin To Kill a Mockingbird but not a blue jay?

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Which state do the blue jay represent?

The blue jay is not a state bird at all.

What state does the blue jay represent?

Surprisingly, the blue jay is not one of the State Birds.

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The Blue Jay is a bird that represents power. Blue Jays are symbolic, and teach people how to develop great talent.

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yes a blue jay is a bird

How tall is Jay Blue?

Jay Blue is 6' 3".

Are there any other colors of jay bird?

The Canada jay is gray and white, the blue jay is blue and gray and white, the Stellar's jay is similar to the blue jay but has a blackish head, scrub jays are blue and gray.

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What bird has a blue body and black head in Mexico?

The Steller's Jay is blue with a black head and crest and lives in some areas of Mexico. There are other birds that could fit this ID, depending on lighting. Possibly a Blue Bunting, Blue Mockingbird, pr maybe a Little Blue Heron.