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Light is a spectrum. On one end it is red and the other blue. We see light in this spectrum as waves and if it is blue, the object is coming toward us. If the waves are red than it is moving away. The frequency of these waves tell us how fast and object is moving toward or away from us.

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Q: What does the blue shift mean in regard to stars and galaxies?
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What galaxies have a blue shift?

There are about a 100 known blue shifted galaxies. The most well known, is the Andromeda Galaxy.

The name of the galaxy that does not contain any blue stars?

All galaxies contain hot blue stars...

The Andromeda galaxy unlike most other galaxies has?

It has the same things the other galaxies have i.e. stars planets etc . It's just that it is very big . Comments : I think the answer may be that Andromeda gives out light that is blue shifted instead of the red shift for most galaxies. So the answer is " a light spectrum that's blue shifted".

What evidence do we have to prove that galaxies rotate?

Doppler red shifts and blue shifts of light from the stars in the galaxies.

Why are elliptical galaxies redder than disk galaxies?

Actually, it doesn't matter what kind of galaxy it is, because it depends on what kind of stars are in it. If a galaxy has a lot of red giants, it will appear redder than a galaxy with mostly blue-white stars. Older galaxies might be redder than younger galaxies due to the fact that older stars appear redder.

Who discovered red shift in the starlight from distant galaxies?

Vesto Slipher and Edwin Hubble were the first who discovered a red shift in nearby Galaxies and as telescopes improved the formula could be applied to more distant Galaxies. The instrument that determines red or blue shifts is called a Spectroscopy. Ans. 2 The person who discovered (and explained) red-shift in the light from other galaxies was Vesto Slipher. Edwin Hubble, using Slipher's observations, realised that the amount of red-shift was proportional to the distance of the galaxy being observed. He formalised this as "Hubble's Law". This was what led cosmologists to the conclusion that the Universe is expanding. (see * below) The instrument that shows a spectrum is a spectroscope; that which measures it is a spectrometer and that which records it is a spectrograph. The instrument that measures red-shift of a distant galaxy can be anything from a travelling microscope to a ruler, depending on the quality of the photographs. Spectroscopy is the name of a set of processes, like photography or cookery , not any particular instrument. * The larger stars/galaxies are visible from further away. The larger stars/galaxies have a larger red shift without regard to their distance from us. (re: larger means more gravity means more red shift)

How scientists determine the distance of stars million light years away from earth?

i know astronomers use paralax for stars thay know by red shift if ther moveing away and blue shift if coming closer may some galaxies are so far there lite wont reach us

Do galaxies shift near or far away from earth?

Most galaxies have a red shift away from us - meaning they are moving away from us. However, the Andromeda galaxy has a blue shift, which means it is moving towards us. In about 2.5 billion years time, the two galaxies will merge.

Why are spiral galaxies mainly blue or white?

If a galaxy shows any significant colour band, then it is due to the type of stars present in that galaxy. A blue or white galaxy would have to have a predominant amount of OB stars to project that colour band.Spiral galaxies do not have significantly greater amounts of OB stars, so it is only a "visual" appearance, not a factual one.

What could happen if all galaxies experience a blue shift?

It would be an indication that they are moving towards us.

What type of galaxy includes little gas and dust and no longer produces stars?

the galaxy that contains no blue stars is I DO NOT KNOW and i would like to know the answer too

Galaxies that show redshift in color must be red in color?

No. You can figure out exactly what elements are in stars and galaxies by examining the color spectrum of the light detected; the frequencies of the bright and dark lines in the spectrum tell you what's what. But there's a problem. For distant galaxies, the light spectrum is wrong. The frequency lines of the spectrum are all too low. One possible explanation of the incorrect spectrum is that those stars and galaxies are MOVING AWAY from us, and that the spectrum is shifted toward the red end of the color spectrum because of the Doppler effect. So scientists believe that the "red-shift" on the color spectrum of stars and galaxies indicate that they are moving away. Not all galaxies show a red-shift; the Andromeda Galaxy, M31, shows a pronounced BLUE-shift, indicating that it is heading TOWARD us. In fact, scientists believe that the Milky Way and Andromeda will probably collide in about 3 billion years.