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Q: What does the body bio transform Heroin into?
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WHen drugs are biotransformed they become more?

Active or inactive. The drug is changed by interaction with the body's own chemicals,enzymes and/or metabolic pathways.The body for instance can bio-transform many substances into less toxic ones or some into more toxic ones. Let's take alcohol for is bio-transformed in the lower doses it will transform at a basic rate into a less toxic substance..if the enzymes in the liver are over whelmed by more alcohol than it can handle (it can't bio transform fast enough) then you get sick, or even go into a coma...

What body system excretes heroin?

none.. the body has opioid receptors.. opiates are not always heroin.. its your brainnn

Is alcohol or heroin more damaging to the overall body and why?

Heroin kills cells and affects your brain more directly.

What is whole sales price of heroin in Canada?

You don't want to know. Heroin will destroy your mind and body. Period.

How are teens at risk from heroin?

They have the same risks from heroin as adults. Heroin is addictive, and it is often injected in a very impure form. That is why so many call heroin "junk" in slang, and why so many diseases are spread from injecting heroin. Plus heroin itself is quite hard on the body.

What is the heroin ileana body size?


How can you transform your body?

By Anger, Burst Power

How can you transform your body ultimatly?

Cybernetics and implants.

What is a prefix for body?

A prefix for "body" is "bio-" as in biology or bioinformatics.

Does heroin turn into morpine after it's injected into the body?

Heroin is metabolized into morphine inside the body. Heroin is the 3,6-diacetyl ester of morphine, and these ester groups are cleaved in vivo to produce morphine.

Why does heroin affect you faster when injecting?

Heroin effects you faster when injecting because as soon as the heroin hits your bloodstream, it rushes throughout your entire body and vessels. This is often called a heroin "rush" and is usually why people repeatedly inject the drug.

What are the effects heroin has on the body?

heroin is a drug that slows down the central nervous system. heroin abuse can lead to heart or lung failure. the body is susceptible to pneumonia and liver disease. it also causes low blood pressure, and lowers the bodies immune system.