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Q: What does the bow mean if it is tying important symbols together?
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What does tying the knot mean a couple?

Tying the knot goes back to pagan times - where a man and woman would have their right wrists loosely tied together as a symbol of their joining together as man and wife. Nowadays, the phrase is used as a synonym for the word marriage.

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Sieges weathered, fight together, friends forever

Why are symbols and formulae of substances important?

Because the symbols are recognized globally, so it doesn't matter where you are in the world - they always mean the same thing.

What does tying the knot mean for a couple?

Marriage the correct answer

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She is connected with many symbols. Most important the rose and the dove (usually a pair of doves). Even today they are love symbols.

Is there such a thing as intimate friends tying the note but just as friends What is the name for it?

Do you mean "tying the knot"? That means getting married.

What does 'tying the knot' mean for couples?

Getting married.

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Game Tying Goal

What do the symbols on yelena's switchblade mean From poison study?

Sieges weathered, fight together, friends forever.

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It means tying there arms and legs together behind them so they then look like a frog! It's normally good when kidnapping someone and putting them in the boot

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It means that both tubes were cut.