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The intense heat of the burner alters the atomic nucleus of the oxygen atom into a synthetic helium atom causing the balloon to rise. The helium atom is less dense than the original oxygen atom.

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Q: What does the burner do to the density of the air in a hot air balloon?
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If you were to turn on the burner on in the hot air balloon what effect would it have on the air in the balloon?

When the burner on a hot air balloon is turned on the air inside the balloon is heated making it less dense. This will cause the balloon to be more buoyant and climb.

What powers hot air balloon?

Hot air balloons are powered by the flame from a propane burner that heats up the air inside the balloon, which lowers the density of the air inside by heating it up and accellerating the particles. Lower density (hot) air will rise above air with higher density (the air outside) which is why they have a height limit, as the average density of air goes down the higher you go.

Why must hot air balloon pilots do occasional blasts on the burner?

To keep the hot air flowing in the balloon.

What gas do we fill in hot air balloon?

Hot air balloons are filled with hot air from a propane burner in the basket. Hot air rises. So provided the cooling air in the balloon is topped up from short blasts from the burner, the balloon will rise off the ground.

Why does the heating of gas cause a hot air balloon to rise?

Because hot air rises and a hot air balloon utilizes this. As the hot air rises it lifts the balloon so that it lifts off from the ground. And the reason why the hot air balloon has a burner, the thing that is connected to the balloon itself and shoots flame into it, is because the hot air inside the balloon begins to cool causing it to fall so the burner reheats the air so that it doesn't return back to the ground.

Related questions

Why are hot air balloons able to rise into the air?

The hot air from the burner rises since it has little density, and then is caught in the balloon, which causes it to rise.

If you were to turn on the burner on in the hot air balloon what effect would it have on the air in the balloon?

When the burner on a hot air balloon is turned on the air inside the balloon is heated making it less dense. This will cause the balloon to be more buoyant and climb.

What powers hot air balloon?

Hot air balloons are powered by the flame from a propane burner that heats up the air inside the balloon, which lowers the density of the air inside by heating it up and accellerating the particles. Lower density (hot) air will rise above air with higher density (the air outside) which is why they have a height limit, as the average density of air goes down the higher you go.

What is the importance of the burner in a hot air balloon?

If the burner fails or runs out of fuel, the hot air in the balloon (that gives it lift) would cool and the balloon would come down to earth.

Why must hot air balloon pilots do occasional blasts on the burner?

To keep the hot air flowing in the balloon.

What gas do we fill in hot air balloon?

Hot air balloons are filled with hot air from a propane burner in the basket. Hot air rises. So provided the cooling air in the balloon is topped up from short blasts from the burner, the balloon will rise off the ground.

Why does the heating of gas cause a hot air balloon to rise?

Because hot air rises and a hot air balloon utilizes this. As the hot air rises it lifts the balloon so that it lifts off from the ground. And the reason why the hot air balloon has a burner, the thing that is connected to the balloon itself and shoots flame into it, is because the hot air inside the balloon begins to cool causing it to fall so the burner reheats the air so that it doesn't return back to the ground.

Why does a gas burner in a balloon begin to rise when heated air is trappd inside the balloon?

The hot air from the gas burner rises and enters the balloon's envelope. Once there is enough hot air trapped, the whole balloon will begin to lift off the floor. This is due entirely to the fact that hot air rises.

How does a hot air balloon gain altitude?

Altitude is controlled by the propane burner and the parachute valve. The parachute valve is an opening at the top of the balloon envelope. When closed, it traps hot air from the burner inside the balloon, making the hot air balloon rise. When opened, it allows hot air to escape, and the hot air balloon descends. The reason a hot air ballon rises is because the density of the balloon is less than the density of the surrounding air. Its the same thing as "why does a boat float". In the case of the balloon, the operator modulates the flame on and off to maintain the desired altitude - increase the flame, and the balloon goes up - decrease or shut off the flame, and the balloon goes down. A better metaphor to a boat is a submarine - add ballast and the submarine goes down - blow ballast and the submarine goes up.

How does a hot air balloon stays in the air?

A hot air balloon can stay in the air because the hot air is less dense than cool air. The hot air that is blown into the balloon causes it to rise and a burner is used to heat the air inside of the balloon to keep it floating.

What kind of fuel is used for the hot air balloon?

Propane gas is used to fuel the burners that heat the air inside the balloon.A hot air balloon is filled with regular air that's heated by a propane burner. This heated air has a lower density than the air outside the ballon, thus allowing the filled balloon to be buoyant.

What powers a hot air balloon?

Source of heat, e.g. propane burner.