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Q: What does the castle protect you from?
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What is the similarity of a knight and a castle?

A knight and a castle protect people

Why was Middleham castle built?

The castle was built to protect Converdale and to protect the road from Richmond to Skipton, Hope This Has Helped You...

What are 3 uses of a castle?

1 to protect 2 to protect 3 to protect

Why do castles have archers?

to protect there castle

Why was Lewes castle built?

It was built on a hill, and then houses were built around it, the castle was built there to protect the village around it.

How did castle towns lead to the growth of new cities?

Mainly to protect and support the castle.

Why do you think the castle had a ditch around it?

It could also protect the castle if the enemies comes.

At least 10 lines bout warwick castle?

The Warwick Castle was an motte and bailey castle to protect the English from the war

What were some castle defenses?

guards and knights to protect them

Why is the heidlberg castle so important?

it protect the king

What does a castle protect?

it protects kings and queens and jewlery

What are the advantages of a gunpowder castle castle?

its a castle to protect attacks of gun powder