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circulatory system is; blood (plasma, platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells), veins and arteries..
if i remember correctly :S

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Q: What does the circulatory contain?
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Does the circulatory system contain cell clots and proteins?

No. It does not contain clots.

Does the circulatory system contains the liver and blood vessels?

No and Yes. The circulatory does contain blood vessels- cappilaries, arteries, and veins. But the circulatory system does not contain the liver, the liver is part of the digestive system.

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The circulatory system

Does circulatory system contain hemoglobin?

Yes, hemoglobin is in your blood, which is part of the circulitory system

Does a scorpion have an open or closed circulatory system?

They actually have an open circulatory system, because their bodies do no contain blood vessels and their blood contains hemocyanin, rather than hemoglobin.

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The circulatory system ie blood.

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Do rabbits have an open or closed circulatory system?

closed. Open circulatory systems are common in athropods, such as scorpions and insects, but not of mammals. They are when the body lacks blood vessels but has blood throughout the entire cavity of the body. Mammals have closed circulatory systems, as they contain blood vessels.

What are the different of circulatory system?

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Can bones be part or the circulatory system?

No. Bones themselves do not contain any arteries or veins. Also, bones do not assist in the moving of blood from one place to another