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Q: What does the clay in the title mean in we are made of clay?
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What is oven baked clay made from?

Clay is made of clay ...

What are grecian urns made out of?

They were made from clay.

What is clay slab?

a clay slab is a slab made of clay

Is clay made from plants?

No clay is not an organic material, it is made from minerals.

Is clay made in Florida?

Clay isn't made, it is dug up.

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What does Blangah mean in Malay?

Cooking pot made of clay.

What is oven baked clay made from?

Clay is made of clay ...

What are grecian urns made out of?

They were made from clay.

Do beans grow in clay?

If you mean clay soils, then yes. If you mean modeling clay, no.

What does loam mean?

clay is a kind of soil  that  made into a verry  verry old rocks....

What are th a colors of clay?

What kind of clay if you mean modeling clay lots if you mean clay as in earth clay brown and beige and sometimes white

Do the ancient egyptians have gods made of clay?

Their Gods were not made of clay, but they worshiped "idols" of their gods which were made of clay or stone.

What is a clay sheep?

A clay sheep is a sheep made out of clay

What is clay slab?

a clay slab is a slab made of clay

What does caked clay mean?

Dried clay

Is the warrior made out of clay?

Yes they were but the clay they were made of i don't not know

Is clay made from plants?

No clay is not an organic material, it is made from minerals.