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Q: What does the compass tattoo on the forehead mean?
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It means the wearer has a very hard time getting jobs.

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What does a cross tattoo on the forehead symbolize i know its a British skinhead tattoo but what does it represent what is its meaning?

Crucified by society (smaller version of the skinhead on the cross tattoo), Jailhouse tattoo, Homemade tattoo - are normally the meaning it.

What does a tattoo in middle of the forehead mean?

Its the C for carter many ppl think its for Christian since its next to the cross but its for carter nd the cross is for god

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Hoof your forehead means you have a big forehead.

What do compass tattoos mean?

The compass design is a popular maritime tattoo, reflecting the long history that has intertwined body art and sailors, and is similar to the nautical star in its symbolism. In the early age of sail, mariners navigated their way through uncharted waters and unknown perils armed only with the stars at night, a compass to point North and there own wits to guide them. The compass and the North Star were all that a good sailor needed to find his way in the world, hence both were popular tattoo designs. A tattoo not only to help navigate the sea, but to make ones way through life. Some of the most popular compass tattoo designs are lifted straight off of old navigational charts.

What does kisses on the forehead mean?

you must have had food on your forehead

What does a forehead kiss mean?

It means somebody kisses you in the forehead

What does it mean to have a high forehead?

It does not mean a thing, but its said that males with high forehead mean they are more intellectual and intelligent, while for females very high forehead is considered to be a propensity to be rude.

Is Lil Wayne's tattoo on his forehead a penis?

yes he does, a small one under the cross if you look closely.