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Concentration. It will generally flow from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

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Q: What does the direction of H plus diffusion across a membrane depend on?
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What does the net flow of water molecules in osmosis depend on?

The magnitude of the concentration gradient across the membrane.

What are the similarities between diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

Both diffusion and facilitated diffusion are passive transport processes that move molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. They do not require energy input from the cell. Additionally, both processes are influenced by factors such as concentration gradients and the presence of specific transport proteins.

Are the rates of absorption and diffusion constant for all molecules?

No, the rates of absorption and diffusion are not constant for all molecules. They depend on factors like molecular size, charge, solubility, and membrane permeability. Larger molecules, charged molecules, and less lipid-soluble molecules typically have slower rates of absorption and diffusion compared to smaller, uncharged, and lipid-soluble molecules.

How can diffusion occur in one direction?

Diffusion can occur in one direction if there is a higher concentration of particles on one side of a membrane than the other. This concentration gradient drives the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until equilibrium is reached. Additionally, factors such as temperature, pressure, and size of particles can influence the direction of diffusion.

How does diffusion coefficient depend on the molecular properties of the solute and solvent?

It doesn't. Ever since it was a child it has been a free spirit. It's parents expected it to depend on at least one of the two, but the diffusion coefficient just wanted to dance.

Related questions

What are the similarities between diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

Both diffusion and facilitated diffusion are passive transport processes that move molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. They do not require energy input from the cell. Additionally, both processes are influenced by factors such as concentration gradients and the presence of specific transport proteins.

What does the net flow of water molecules in osmosis depend on?

The magnitude of the concentration gradient across the membrane.

Facilitated diffusion and active transport?

Facilitated diffusion = down concentration gradient, it just uses a carrier protein (doesn't need energy)Active transport =goes UP concentration gradient with the help of a carrier protein and ENERGY

What does diffusion not have to depend upon?


Can you have 5 living organisms that depend on diffusion?

Yes, living organisms that depend on diffusion for processes like respiration or nutrient exchange include single-celled organisms like protozoa, small invertebrates like flatworms and roundworms, aquatic organisms like sponges, and even some small insects. Diffusion allows them to exchange gases, nutrients, and waste products with their environment, essential for their survival.

What is the process called when molecules pass through a membrane to a different conecntration?

This would depend on A) the molecule B) the membrane/proteins involved, and C) the concentrations.Diffusion in general would be the passage of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.This can be broken down into either FACILITATED DIFFUSION(through specialized integral protein channels) or SIMPLE DIFFUSION (through the membrane itself, only with tiny uncharged particles).ACTIVE TRANSPORT is normally from an area of lower to higher concentration and requires ATP expenditure.

What process the cell must use to allow the protein to enter and why?

The process the cell must use to allow the protein to enter is rather simple and uncomplicated. The cell uses the process of osmosis and diffusion along a concentration gradient to allow for passage in and out of the cell.

What controls the passage of materials into and out of the cell?

depend on the kind of cell...... plant: cell wall and cell membrane/plasma membrane animal: cell membrane/plasma membrane

Does displacement depend on direction?


How does diffusion coefficient depend on the molecular properties of the solute and solvent?

It doesn't. Ever since it was a child it has been a free spirit. It's parents expected it to depend on at least one of the two, but the diffusion coefficient just wanted to dance.

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