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secondary succession

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Q: What does the ecosystem experience after a forest fire?
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How does a succession occur after a forest fire?

The ecosystem becomes more stable and diverse

Forest ecosystem is why called ecosystem?

i want to know is a forest a ecosystem?

Is a forest a ecosystem?

It is an ecosystem

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What is a forest destroyed by a fire that will gradually become a complex ecosystem with a wide variety of plants and animals in a process called?


Why is it good for yellow stone to get on fire?

Areas such as Yellowstone are protected forested areas. Other areas especially in Oregon, Alaska, and Minnesota are classified as protected "Wilderness" where you cannot even enter without a permit. But, for Yellowstone and every forest ecosystem fires, while devastating eventually improve the ecosystem. When trees and other foliage are burned their seeds drop to the forest floor and are insulated from the heat and flames. The result is an even more lush forest and ecosystem, although this takes many years to occur after the fire. This is why fire departments do not act to stop a forest fire in a protected area unless there is an immediate threat to homes and/or businesses.

How is forest ecosystem affected when trees are cut down?

well it could disrupt an ecosystem as all the animals in the habitats might die or might be homeless as the forest fire might have killed them or there home. it would probably disrupt an eco system as lots of animals are losing there prey. also animals might have to move into another habitat.

After a major forest fire the process of succession begins in an ecosystem. which best describes how succession changes the ecosystem?

The ecosystem becomes more stable and diverse.

What are the abiotic factor in a forest ecosystem?

The abiotic factors in a forest ecosystem include the climate, water, nutrients, and soil. Other abiotic factors in a forest ecosystem are the climate and temperature.

What are the types of ecosystem?

temperate forest

Why are there different types of organisms in different ecosystem?

There are a number of different types of species of organisms in an ecosystem in order for it to be functional and stable. Different organisms add species diversity which increases the stability of the ecosystem. Eg. the ecosystem such as a forest can quickly regenerate after a natural disturbance such as a fire.

How food nutrients cycle goes on and on in the forest ecosystem?

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