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This means that the email address which you are trying to use to create an accout has already been created by some else or is being used by some one else or else some one has already registered with that email address.

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Q: What does the email you enterd is already in use?
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Why is Instagram not allowing me to register with email?

you have to have your email already signed up first. Then when it tells you for an email, use the one you already have. Its not rocket science!

Is it possible to have a facebook on the same email as long as the passwords are different?

No it will this email is already in use

Can you use an emoticon as a name for email?

yes .you can use an amotion for an email infact hundreds have already done so!

How can you registreit in Facebook if it shows this email has already been used or something?

Use a different email address.

Why twitter wont let me setup an account using my email address. tells me that it already being used?

There's nothing you can do if it says your email is already in it's system, you will have to use an alternate email.

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how can you delete an itunes gift card if you enterd the code if apple Id does not work

Why is YouTube saying my email is not valid?

Maybe you already have a YouTube account. If you are sure don't have one, then create an alternate email for use.

Is there a way to change email in Twitter to the one you used of a previous but already deleted account?

No you cannot use that email address again.

How did Shakespeare get his start?

his perents enterd him into it

The username or email you entered is already in use. Please choose a different name. What does that mean?

That just means that the username or password you enter is already in use. You can add numbers or capitals for less chance of entering a username/password already in use.

Why can't i join addicting games?

you can. you could have already registered and forgot ur name or password or your email is already in use. u can conect with facebook (if u got)

How do you break the password in memory?

plz enterd 1122.