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Q: What does the epiglottis cover?
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Does The epiglottis cover the top part of the ear canal?

No, the epiglottis covers the top part of the trachea.

Is epiglottis the same as intestines?

No, the epiglottis and the intestines are two completely separate things. The epiglottis is the cover in the esophogaus that prevents food and liquid from going down the trachea, and the intestines are the moisture-extracting and nutrient extracting organs in our body that is relatively far from the epiglottis.

What is a flap of tissue that closes the passage to the trachea and lungs?

It is the epiglottis.

Can you eat and breath at the same time?

No, Because the epiglottis will only cover only one pipe (the esophagus and trachea) if you eat it will cover the trachea to prevent the food to enter the lungs and if you breath it will cover the esophagus

DurinG swallowing does the epiglottis cover the esophagus to prevent choking?

Covers the trachea not the oesophagus since the oesophagus is where your food goes down.

What is a flap of tissue that seals off your windpipe preventing food from entering?

That's your epiglottis.

Is also known as the guardian of the airways?


What prevents food entering trachea when swallowing?

The epiglottis prevents the food you eat from entering the trachea.

What structure closes off the entrance to the larynx and trachea which prevents food or liquid from entering the respiratory system?

When swallowing, the epiglottis closes off the trachea to direct food down the esophagus.

When was Hakea epiglottis created?

Hakea epiglottis was created in 1805.

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