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What the four sacred mountains mean to the Navajo's is that it will protect them. Changing Women was born on one of the two center mountains, Ch'oolii, southeast of Farmington. It the East, South, West, and North.


Agree. They establish the bounds of the Dinetah- the land of the People.

Besides just marking the boundaries the four mountains represent 4 ideas, color, times of day, sets of gods, jewels, times of life and year and much more. Nitsáhákees (Thinking), Nahatá (Planning), Iiná (Living) and Siih Hasin (Assuring) are from the east clockwise are associated which each of the mountains.

east white Sisn'djini' whiteshell south blue Mt. Taylor turquiose west yellow Mt. Humphreys abalone north black Dibentsah jet A medicine soil bundle contains earth from each of the mountians and jewels and corn that represent the dirrections. Also pollen. In all it creates the innner and outer form of Sa'ah Naaghaii Bik'eh Hozhoon.

"The mountains are fastened and covered with elements that represent natural phenomena; their colors are associated with the precious stones; they have bird, plant, and sound symbols; they are inhabited by the Holy People. The mountains represent parts of the earth's body--heart, skull, breast, and internal organs--and like, the body of an earth person, they have th power of motion, given them by the Winds. Other gifts have been bestowed upon them. For example, sisn'djini was fastened by a bolt of lightning and covered with daylight, and additional gifts of white lightning, dark cloud, male rain, and white corn made it symbolically more complete." (Reichard)

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