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The Giver explains that the experience of snow has been lost and taken away from the community. He reveals that memories of things like snow, sleds, and hills have all been erased in order to maintain control and prevent people from feeling true emotions.

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Q: What does the giver say happened to the experience of snow?
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What would the giver say had happened to?

That it is practically up to your imagination to decide

What would the giver say had happened to Jonas?

The Giver would say that Jonas had escaped to Elsewhere, which suggests that he had left the community to start a new life beyond its limits. The Giver would likely emphasize the freedom and potential for growth that Jonas now had outside of their controlled society.

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In the society in "The Giver," equality is enforced by regulating everyone's lives and suppressing individual differences. The Giver mentions that being unable to express emotions openly must frustrate the citizens because they are not free to experience and share their feelings like in the past.

What job does Jonas say he would not want the giver?

Jonas says he would not want to be the Receiver of Memory like the Giver because it comes with great burden and pain from bearing memories that others do not have to experience, as well as the isolation that comes with having knowledge that others do not.

A person who has had a religious experience?

for the Mormons I'd have to say Joseph Smith did... that is if you believe all that he said had happened to him.

Were in the book giver does it say the word exhilarating?

The word "exhilarating" does not appear in "The Giver" by Lois Lowry.

How do you say giver in German?

river = Fluss

What is another way to say giver?


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Snow snow snow

How do you say ring giver in danish?

Ek goneth.

How do you say 'snow' in Irish Gaelic?

sneachta is how you would say snow in Irish Gaelic

Is it correct to say it is snow?

Not sure what you are asking but if it is snowing outside then yes you can say it is snow.