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he dose not care

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Q: What does the government do after floods?
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Related questions

How did the government respond to the floods?

The government had responded by rescuing the people more likely at risk from the floods.

How does a government respond to floods?

Because they do stuff

How does government respond to floods?

Because they do stuff

Who paid for the damage of the Boscastle Floods in 2004?

Insurance companies and the British Government

Is there insurance for floods?

In the US, flood insurance can be bought only from the Federal Government.

What are the methods of that methods have been used to control floods in Bangladesh?

well they have the government for that

What type of government leadership did the Nile civilization have in the past?

they had floods ao they were able to grow their crops

What is the economic effects of floods?

Floods destroy houses, vehicles, items, property, plants/trees and other things, each of these are economic effects, as the government needs to pay to replace/fix them.

How does UK cope with floods?

The UK has drains and the also have sewers where the flooding water may be maintained. They also have this flooding controlled agency which gets money form the government to help the UK in the time of the floods.

How did indus valley affect the government?

Monsoon floods followed by drought made it necessary to store grain in dry places, so the government built granaries for this.

What did the government do for people in Pakistan during the floods?

Pakistan government, mean politicans did nothing except eating zakat and charity, and Pakistani politicans are pigs (sovar)

What is the difference between floods and flash floods?

Flash floods are floods that are caused by a storm. Normal floods are caused by non-stop rain.