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Q: What does the green dot mean on quizlet?
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What does green dot mean on artwork?

A green dot means the artwork is under option. It is possible that there is more than one green dot, when there are multiple options.

What does green dot on facebook mean?

If you are referring to the green dot by a friends name, it shows that the friend is online.

What does the green dot mean?

it means a person is online....

What does the green dot mean in moshi monsters?

it mens are they online

What does the green dot symbol next to a friend's name mean when you go on Facebook?

A green dot beside a name means the person is online at that moment.

What does the green dot mean next to a name in gmail?

The green dot next to the name is the status. It means if a person is available, busy, invisible etc. Green dot means available to chat and message.

What does the green cloud mean on smellityet dot com?

stoms and tonados

What does a green dot with 9 white lines though the lower half mean?

it means`s a green dot with 9 white lines though the lower halfof it.

What does the green dot next to your name on your g mail account mean?

The dot next to your name means that you are on-line and can chat with your friends who also have g-mail. If your friends have a green dot it means they are on-line.

What is the green dot beside a moshi monsters user name mean?

well it is a red dot and it sepperates the name and houce

When was Quizlet created?

Quizlet was created in 2005.

What does the green dot mean on the back of the QB?

The green dot on their helmet is a sign that there is a communication system in their helmets. So the coach can talk to him. There is one player on the offense that has one, and one on defense.