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The greenhouse effect is simply the atmosphere's ability to retain heat. This is caused by gases, which we call greenhouse gases. These gases trap heat, rather like greenhouses trap heat to help grow plants in cold climates.

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12y ago

Deforestation, the removal of green cover from the surface of the earth is indirectly related to the global warming. because of the indiscriminate cutting of the trees the amount of carbon dioxide which the green plants absorb is decreases. This leads to increase in the greenhouse gases. These greenhouse gases are the ones responsible for the increase in the global warming.

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Q: What does the greenhouse effect have to do with deforestation?
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What effects does deforestation have on the climate?

Deforestation is a contributor to global warming, and is often cited as one of the major causes of the enhanced greenhouse effect. Tropical deforestation is responsible for approximately 20% of world greenhouse gas emissions

Does deforestoration increase the greenhouse effect?

Yes, deforestation removes trees that act as a carbon sink, removing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This increases the greenhouse effect.

How is deforestation adding to the greenhouse effect?

Trees remove carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere and store the carbon in their trunks and branches. When deforestation happens and the trees are burnt or rot, that carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere, and because no more trees are planted, there is no longer anything to remove the CO2. This is how deforestation adds to the greenhouse effect.

What are the two types of greenhouse effect?

The natural greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm enough for life.The enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect (caused by burning fossil fuels and deforestation) leads to global warming and climate change.(There is also the very dangerous runaway greenhouse effect that happened on Venus.)

did the greenhouse effect increase?

Yes. When we started burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and cutting down the great forests of the worldd (deforestation), the normal greenhouse effect began to change into the accelerated, or enhanced greenhouse effect which we now have.

What are the two types of greenhouse?

The natural greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm enough for life.The enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect (caused by burning fossil fuels and deforestation) leads to global warming and climate change.(There is also the very dangerous runaway greenhouse effect that happened on Venus.)

How would deforestation impact the global environment?

Forests and all vegetation remove carbon dioxide from the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Deforestation, cutting them down, means that the greenhouse effect is increasing. This is causing global warming and climate change.

What human activity contributes to the greenhouse effect?

Deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

What effects can deforeststation have on the climate?

Primarily, deforestation release carbon into the atmosphere that becomes carbon dioxide. This is a greenhouse gas, and adding more of it to the atmosphere will tend to enhance the natural greenhouse effect. As a result, deforestation tends to contribute to the warming of the earth.

What are the effects of combustion and deforestation and how do they relate to the greenhouse effect?

Combustion (burning) of any material usually releases carbon dioxide, as carbon is such a major component of everything on earth. Deforestation (removal of trees) means that the trees are no longer able to take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is the greenhouse gases retaining warmth from the sun. Any increase of greenhouse gases (as carbon dioxide is) leads to a warming in the atmosphere.

What increases the temperature around the planet?

The enhanced greenhouse effect,which is caused by extra amounts of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide,which is caused by burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

What is the relationship between deforestation of the rainforest the greenhouse effect and global warming?

Deforestation of the rainforests destroyed trees that used to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. This allows CO2 levels to build up in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases cause the greenhouse effect, keeping the earth warm. Because of deforestation and man's burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, levels of CO2 in the air are rising, causing global warming.