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In Bible times, a helmet protects a soldier's head; the seat of intellect and decision making.

Likewise a Christian soldier needs to safeguard his 'mental powers' from ungodly influences. A person who tries to live as a Christian is bombarded with 'Propaganda' from all angles. Their mind can easily become corrupted. Goals can distract us, or even replace our God-given hope. A Christian needs to discern clearly what is acceptable to God; and what meets with is disapproval; and thus will affect his 'salvation'.

What we fill our minds with, is usually what we reach for. Rather than filling their minds with worldly goals and materialistic dreams, a Christian would focus their thinking on their God given 'hope of salvation'. A Christian would always be thinking about 'salvation'. Even during severe trials and difficulties, a Christians hope of salvation is so great, it helps them keep integrity.

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A Christian has salvation, so we are not talking about gaining or obtaining salvation. The Helmet of Salvation protects a Christians assurance of salvation. One thing Satan loves to do is make you doubt your salvation. By doing this he can neutralize your witness, through doubt, and discouragement. So by wearing your helmet of salvation you can remain confident in God's promise of eternal salvation. See John 6:37-39; 10:28-29; Romans 5:10; 8:31-39; Philippians 1:6; I Peter 1:3-5.

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