

What does the highest note on a guitar sound like?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The highest note on a guitar is on the last fret of the high E string.

Different Guitars have different number of frets, hence the highest note varies depending on the instrument.

On vintage fender guitars, such as stratocasters from the 1950's there were only 21 frets, hence the highest note was a Db

Most guitars today have 22 frets, making the highest note a D, but there is an increasingly large number of 24 fret guitars from brands such as ibanez, schecter and esp that push the highest note to E, giving the guitar a full range of 4 octaves.

In recent years, ibanez manufactured the 27 fret Xiphos, which make the highest note F#

Of course there are many, techniques such as pinch harmonics, and effect pedals which allow the guitar to reach tonalities beyond that of the last fret, but as far as normal notes are concerned the ones shown are the highest, given the guitar is in standard tuning

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A Guitar Tuner... You can use the E key on a piano/harmonica/etc to tune the lowest and highest strings. Then you put your finger on the 5th fret of the thickest string/E string. Play that note and the next string open. Tune the fifth string to sound like the 5th fret of the sixth string. Do that for the next 3 strings until you get to the 2nd thinnest string/B string. That time use the fourth fret of the string before it. Then tune the highest string to sound like the lowest string in a different octave. You can also use harmonics.

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Is the paper jam good?

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What makes a guitar have a different sound?

onthe neck of a guitar there are lumps that go across it underneath the strinds called frets, when you press the string onto the fret and then puck the string it makes a sound. the closer to the body of the guitar the fret is, the more high pitched the note gets and vise versa. : )