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Karma is the value of a soul's good and bad deeds.

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Actios of Karma doctrine.

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Q: What does the hindus believe is the good and bad deeds that a person engages in over one or more lifetimes?
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Where do the Hindus believe their soul goes after death?

They believe in reincarnation but not as a person.

Do Hindus believe is sacred?

Hindus believe that the cow is sacred in their religion. However, ancient Hindus did eat cow but sence Hinduism was not formed by one person, it slowly developed that the cow is sacred.

Hindus believe that karma is the good or bad force that results from a person's actions?


Hindus believed is sacred?

Hindus believe that the cow is sacred in their religion. However, ancient Hindus did eat cow but sence Hinduism was not formed by one person, it slowly developed that the cow is sacred.

Why don't hindus believe in equality?

Hindus do Believe in equality, but the concept of equality is slightly different. Hinduism focuses on giving a person what he or she deserves rather than giving everyone the same resources, utilisation is also ve4ry important.

What gods do french believe in?

The French don't believe in a certain God, it depends on the person, you could have Christians, Muslims, Hindus; pretty much anything.

What is voyevrs?

a person who engages in voyeurism.

How often is someone born?

A person is only born once in their lifetime. If you believe in reincarnation, then a person can have multiple lifetimes. If you are referring to how often a person is born on Earth, it normally ranges between 1 and 10 seconds.

What or who do Hinduism believe in?

What or who do hindus believe in depends on the particular person. Most would say that 'dharma' (fulfillment of duties and righteous action) is important. Most would believe in many Gods and Goddesses.

Which belief is shared by both Buddhism and Hinduism?

Both Hindus and Buddhists believe in:reincarnationNirvanaan immortal presence for each person

What is a seisomologist?

A person who engages in the scientific study of earthquakes.