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Q: What does the implementation of terrace farming tells us about the geography of the Incan Empire?
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What does the implementation of terrace farming tell you about the geography of the Inca empire?

What does the implementation of terrace farming tell you about the geography of the Inca Empire?

Did the Mayan empire have an irrigation system?

The Mayan did have an irragation system. Look up terrace farming.

Which civilization had terrace farming and a road system?

The Inca civilization, located in present-day Peru, had terrace farming on steep mountainsides to maximize agricultural output. They also built an extensive road system known as the Inca Road, spanning thousands of miles across their empire to facilitate communication and trade.

What is the olddest brick terrace?

The oldest brick terrace is likely the Great Platform of Persepolis in Iran, dating back to the 6th century BCE. This massive terrace was built to support the palaces and temples of the ancient Achaemenid Empire and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

How does the geography and natural resources influence empire building?

because they get in the way of building the empire they want to.

How did the Aztecs get rich?

By farming and creating an empire in the Americas.

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This is a dumb question.

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Was the geography of the land a challenge to the Incas as they built their empire?


Why did the terraces affect the incas?

Terrace farming enabled the Incas to farm the mountainsides of the Andes. That way a strong rainstorm would not wash away the crops and cause a massive mudslide. The Inca empire would not be destroyed the way the economy of Nicaragua was destroyed when a Hurricane turned the fields on the mountainside into a mudslide.

Why can farming be considered the Incas' greatest achievement?

Farming was a significant achievement for the Incas because they developed advanced agricultural techniques such as terracing, irrigation systems, and crop diversification. These methods allowed them to cultivate crops at high altitudes in the Andes Mountains and support a large population. The success of Inca farming contributed to the growth and power of their empire.

Which of the following are accomplishments of the Incas?

The Incas were known for their advanced engineering skills, particularly in building impressive stone structures such as Machu Picchu and the network of roads connecting their empire. They also developed sophisticated agricultural techniques like terrace farming, and their administrative system allowed them to effectively govern a vast empire.