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Q: What does the italicized n stand for?
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What does italicized n mean in the dictionary?

It means the word in the question is a noun. :)

What does the italicized n. stand for both entries?

It means the word in the question is a noun. :)

Would Beowulf be underlined?

Titles of epics are italicized or underlined as they are 'stand-alone' works like books.

How does italicized appear?

Like this italicized text.

What does DNA mean what does the D stand for and what does the N stand for and what does the A stand for?

D - Deoxyribo N - Nucleic A - Acid

Should McDonald's be italicized?

No, McDonald's does not need to be italicized.

Should the title of a PowerPoint be italicized?

It is not recommend that the title of a PowerPoint be italicized. It is recommended that the author or originator of the presentation be italicized.

What does the letter N stand for?

It could stand for N/A -non aplickable

What sentence has the italicized words a dependent clause a dependent clause can't stand as a sentence on its own?

The diving board broke when she jumped into the pool.

Why should readers pay special attention to words that are italicized?

Certain words are sometimes italicized while the words around them are not in order to make those words stand out as different. It can be for emphasis, or it can distinguish a title from the context it is mentioned in. Also, sometimes a word from another language may be italicized to show that it is different from the surrounding words.

What does the n stand for in n-butane?


What does N stand for in CAOC-N?

In means you