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Reread lines 109-116, in which Beowulf is first introduced. What traits of an epic hero does he appear to possess?

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The kenning "hell forged hands" indicates that Grendel is a powerful and menacing figure, possessing strength and cruelty that seems otherworldly or diabolical. It implies that Grendel's hands are dangerous and capable of inflicting great harm, reflecting his monstrous nature.

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Q: What does the kenning hell forged hands suggest about Grendel?
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In the beginning of the section, the narrator mentions that Grendel's aggression knows no bounds, but also hints at a sense of foreboding by mentioning that Grendel is destined to fall. This foreshadows Grendel's eventual defeat at the hands of Beowulf.

Who does Beowulf fight first?

Beowulf first fights Grendel, a demon who had been terrorizing the kingdom of Hrothgar.

What happened in sections x in Beowulf?

Grendel attacks and Beowulf fights back with his bare hands, Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm, Grendel stumbles away to die, and Danes admire Beowulf's deed.

What describes the event in Beowulf sections xIII?

Grendel attacks and Beowulf fights back with his bare hands, Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm, Grendel stumbles away to die, and Danes admire Beowulf's deed.

What happen in Beowulf section X-XIII?

Grendel attacks and Beowulf fights back with his bare hands, Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm, Grendel stumbles away to die, and Danes admire Beowulf's deed.