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yes the larynx contain 2 types of vocal cords 1st: true vocal cords ( for ur question ) 2nd: False valse vocal cords

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13y ago

The bronchi do not contain the vocal cords.

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Q: What does the larynx contain?
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What does larynx contain?

the throght

Does the larynx contain thyroid cartilage?

Yes, the larynx contains the thyroid cartilage, which is the largest cartilage in the larynx and forms the "Adam's apple" in the front of the neck.

What contains the vocal chords?

it contain polyp and nodules

Does the larynx contain lateral cartilage ridges called false vocal cords?


Is the pharynx known as the vocal cord?

The pharynx is the space that contains the larynx, which is known as the voice box, which contain the vocal cords.

Is the larynx part of the larynx?

The larynx is part of the throat and part of the respiratory system.

Another name for the voice box is?

Another name for the voice box is the larynx.

Contains the vocal cord?


What is the trapdoor of the larynx?

the trapdoor of the larynx is the epiglottis

What is the adjective for larynx is?

The adjective for larynx is laryngeal.

What is the larynx is also known as?

Larynx is also known as lungs. The word larynx is a medical term.

What merges at the larynx?

The nasopharynx and the oropharynx merge into the larynx