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Q: What does the legal authority have over?
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Does the American Psychiatric Association have any legal authority over psychologists or psychiatrists?

No. Only State Medical Boards have legal authority over psychologists or psychiatrists. The APA may make recommendations to state boards, but they are NOT binding, or carry any legal implications.

Having legal jurisdiction over an area means?

having authority in that region.

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legal authority over colonies

Define the word usurp?

to seize or take over by force without legal authority

What allows your parents to check your school records?

Paternal Dominion, legal authority over your child.

Are there any jobs in the health field that give administrators authority over doctors?

Most health administration jobs do offer some sort of authority over doctors. Few jobs offer complete authority over another worker, but administration in the heath field often comes with some legal authority, yes.

What are the four types of political authority?

Traditional authority,legal authority,and autocratic authority.

What is example of rational-legal authority?

Legal rational authority is power based according a set of rules. It is also called legal authority. Examples includes presidential powers.

Does an executor have to go to court for power?

Yes. An executor has no legal authority until they have been appointed by the court.Yes. An executor has no legal authority until they have been appointed by the court.Yes. An executor has no legal authority until they have been appointed by the court.Yes. An executor has no legal authority until they have been appointed by the court.

What types of jobs have legal rubber stamp authority?

There is no such power known as "legal rubber stamp" authority.

What prevents the central government from assuming legal authority over any area of public policy?

States' Rights

What legal system began in Virginia and provided masters with almost absolute authority over their slaves.?

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