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light travels much faster than sound:

  • light travels 186,000 miles/sec
  • sound travels ~1,000 feet/sec or ~0.2 miles/sec
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Q: What does the light travel faster than the sound?
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Do sound waves or light waves travel faster?

In air, light waves travel about 871 thousand times faster than sound waves.


No light travels way faster

Does ultrasound travel faster than light?

Just to give some clarity, ultrasound doesn't travel faster than sound. It simply resonates at a higher frequency than normal sound. Sound in a lighter atmosphere, or light travels faster than ultrasound.

Why you see light first then sound after?

light travel faster than sound. see in real life we see lightning first then we hear the thunder.

Is light faster than sound or sound is faster than light?

Light is faster than sound

What waves travel faster sound or light?

Light waves travel faster than sound waves.

Why do we see distant events before we hear them?

because light waves travel faster than sound waves, you see the light a lot sooner than you hear the sound.

Can airplanes travel faster than sound?

NO they can not travel faster than sound in thunder and lightning

Which travel faster in coated glass pipe sound or light?

No matter what you do to either of them, light is always going to travel at least several hundred times as fast as sound, and most generally about 800 thousand times as fast as sound. Sound will never travel faster than light, in any situation.

Does sound travel faster in a like in summer or winter?

no matter how hot or cold,the sound will still travel as a normal basis...did you know that sound travels faster than light true fact

Why is there delay in your hearing of sound?

The delay is caused by the sound having to travel back to you.