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The memory of riding horses teaches Jonas about the exhilaration of freedom and the joy of connecting with another living being. It helps him understand concepts like trust, communication, and the beauty of nature, which are foreign in his controlled community. Overall, it expands his perspective and deepens his emotional experiences.

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Q: What does the memory of riding horses teach Jonas in the book the giver?
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The first good memory that Jonas experiences in "The Giver" is when he sleds down a snowy hill and feels joy and exhilaration for the first time. This memory contrasts with his previous experiences of sameness and lack of emotion in the community.

What page does Jonas receive his first memory?

The memory of sledding.

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The memory that made Gabe fall asleep in "The Giver" was a memory of riding on a sled down a snowy hill. This memory was transmitted to him by Jonas as they both shared the memory during their escape from the community.

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When The Giver transmits a memory to Jonas, he transfers the memory by placing his hands on Jonas's back, and the memory enters Jonas's mind through a shared consciousness. Jonas then experiences the memory as if he were the one who originally had the experience.

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What is the memory that Jonas has in chapter 15?

In Chapter 15, Jonas experiences the memory of riding a sled down a snowy hill. This memory is significant because it is the first positive and joyful memory that he receives from The Giver, which contrasts with the painful and heavy memories he has experienced before. This memory helps Jonas understand the concept of love and happiness.

What memory has the giver not shared with Jonas?

The Giver has not shared the memory of war with Jonas. He keeps this memory hidden because it contains intense pain, suffering, and violence that he believes would be too much for Jonas to handle.

Who does The Giver first transmit a memory to in The Giver by Lois Lowry?

The Giver first transmits a memory to Jonas, the protagonist of the story. This initial transmission is of a sledding memory, which opens Jonas's eyes to the possibilities of a world where emotions and experiences are not hidden or suppressed.

What was written on Jonas's assignment sheet the giver?

On Jonas's assignment sheet in "The Giver," the word "Receiver" was written, which marked him as the chosen one to become the Receiver of Memory.

What is the givers reaction on Jonas first memory?

The giver is pleased with Jonas's reaction to his first memory, as Jonas demonstrates understanding and empathy for the person in the memory. The giver sees potential in Jonas to become a good Receiver of Memory.