

What does the moon jelly eat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What does the moon jelly eat?
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Do fish eat moon jellyfish?

No, they eat krill or other fish, not moon jelly fish.

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What are Moon Jelly's method of excretion?

The digestion of the moon jelly's food is done in the digestive sac. Do to the lack of an anus the moon jelly excretes through its skin.

Band name with moon in it?

Moon Jelly

What creatures eat Moon Jellyfish?

Don't quote me on this, but i know that many types of turtles find jelly fish as a delicacy.

Do England eat jelly with bread and chesse?

Yes most of the londoner's eat jelly, strawberry jelly or mixed fruit jelly with bread and cheese

Do you eat jelly?

I personally don't eat jelly, as I'm a pescitarian, but sometimes I may treat myself to some vegetarianjelly. But I do know lots of people who do eat jelly.

If Jellyfish eat Jelly does it explode?

You are an idiot kid, there is no jelly in the ocean. Therefore jellyfish would'nt be able to eat jelly. Even if there was jelly in the ocean, it would have to be more liquid to digest jelly. So jellyfish wouldn't be able to eat jelly therefore they would not explode.

Is a moon jelly a Medusa or a polyp?


Can rats eat jelly?

Rats can eat jelly in small amounts. Rats are typically scavengers and will eat just about anything they can get their hands on.

Is the moon jelly the biggest jellyfish?

No the lion's mane is.