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After the mother sea horse lays her eggs she gives them to the father to carry them around.

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Q: What does the mother sea horse do with her eggs?
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What male lays eggs?

There are no male animals that lay eggs. Many people think that a male sea horse lays eggs, but a female sea horse lays eggs and the male carries them and takes care of it.

How many eggs do the female sea horse lay at one time?

Female sea horses release many eggs at a time just like other fish and under-water creatures, and then a male sea horse fights with other males to win over the female's eggs and to have the right to fertilize them, but what i learned in science 9 a few weeks ago is that it is the male sea horse that carries the embryo or fetus or whatever of the sea horse not the mother and sea horses use External fertilization not internal.....hope i helped =)

How does sea horse male take care of their eggs?

They carry them in a pouch on their stomachs. When the eggs hatch, the pouch opens, and tiny, tiny sea horses swim out.

Do fish have pouches?

The male sea horse has a small pouch near his tail. The female sea horse deposits her eggs, up to 200 at one time, in the male's pouch, which is then sealed with a sticky secretion. The male carries around the eggs with him for about 45 days. Also the Opossum shrimp

Do sea horses lay eggs or give birth to live young?

The female lays eggs in the pouch on the stomach of the male. The eggs develop in that pouch, then the live sea horse babies come out of the eggs and out of the male's pouch.

What is the Worlds largest sea horse?

Your mother comes pretty close

How seahorses take care their eggs?

the male sea horse has a pouch that it uses to carry the eggs, when mating the female gives the male 1500 eggs

Do you have to have a male seahorse if you have a female seahorse?

You don't really have to have a male seahorse if you have a female sea horse but if you want to have little baby sea horses you can have a male sea horse. If i were you i would want a male sea horse for company for the female.

Facts about a sea turtles young?

that the sea turtles mother leaves her baby sea turtle eggs on the beach until they hatch

Is a sea horse oviparous?

No. seahorses are ovoviviparous...meaning they produce eggs but their eggs are in the placenta rather than being outside the body!

How many sea horses can a sea horse give?

I think 4 per year sea horses cut themselfs in half to reproduce

What creature is a father then it becomes mother and then eggs mafture an grow in its pouch?

sea horses!