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Q: What does the outer compartment of the mitochondria stockpile?
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Related questions

Hydrogen ions move from the outer to the inner compartment of the mitochondria through what molecule?

Hydrogen ions move from the outer to the inner compartment of the mitochondria through the electron transport system. The energy used to synthesize ATP.

What ions accumulate in the outer compartment of the mitochondria during electron transport phosphorylation?

Hydrogen ions

What cellular compartment becomes acidic during mitochondrial electron transport?

The outer lumen of the mitochondria. All those protons being pumped into the outer lumen make it quite acidic.

What are the events of chemiosmosis?

Chemiosmosis involves the pumping of protons through special channels in the membranes of mitochondria from the inner to the outer compartment. The pumping establishes a proton gradient

Does the stroma separate the inner and outer membranes of the mitochondria?

No, the stroma is found in chloroplasts, not mitochondria. In mitochondria, the inner and outer membranes are separated by the intermembrane space.

Synthesis of ATP via a proton gradient is called?

Chemiosmosis (involves the pumping of protons through special channels in the membranes of mitochondria from the inner to the outer compartment. The pumping establishes a proton gradient).

What is the interior compartment of the mitochondria?

The matrix is the innermost space within a mitochondria

What is the structure of the mitochondria?

The structure of the mitochondria include the inner mitochondrial membrane, the outer mitochondrial membrane, the intermembrane space, the cristae, and then the mitochondrial matrix. Click on the related link for a detailed description on the structure of the mitochondria.

Is mitochondria have 2 membranes?

yes, inner and outer membranes

Describe the outer covering of the mitochondria?

two outer covering membranes and a third inner thylakoid membrane

Do mitochondria and chloroplasts include compartments where hydrogen ions are connected?

Yes they include compartment

What organelle has both inner and outer membrane?

Both mitochondria and chloroplasts