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It has an ear-splitting screech. This makes it an excellent guard animal, if you can get over this nerve-wracking noise. They will also attack and peck , and can be quite aggresive when not raised by humans.

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Q: What does the peacock do when it senses danger?
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An ostrich hides it head in the sand when it senses danger.

How many peacock are left in the world?

Many thousands..Peacocks are in no danger of extinction.

What is the verb of sense?

Sense is already a verb in the right context. As in "to sense something".Other verbs for sense depending on the tense (excuse the rhyme there) is senses, sensed and sensing.Some example sentences are:"I sense a danger"."He is sensing danger"."He says he senses a danger"."I told you I sensed trouble".

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Smell and hearing first of all. Then sight.

Are wasps smelly?

Yes. Also, the guard (or watcher) emits a pheromone when it senses danger. That is how they swarm.

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because he can sense when danger is coming and sense where its coming from

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Its one of our senses- it keeps us alert to danger and whats happening.

How does the snowy owls senses help it escape from danger or capture food?

if i have researched correctly, they use their great sense of hearing and eyesight.

Are peacocks in danger of extinction?

The Indian Peacock and Green Peacock are not domesticated, because they are endangered.You will most likely find these two species in captivity at zoos or care facilities than in the wild, though. The Blue Peafowl and Congo Peacock could be considered either (domesticated OR wild). Hope I helped!!