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lateral and medial geniculate nuclei

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Q: What does the posterior nuclei of the thalamus consist of?
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What are the five nuclear groups of thalamus?

medial groupanterior grouplateral group, subdivided into = dorsal lateral + postero-lateral nucleiventral group, subdivided into = anterior ventral + imtermediate ventral + posterior ventral nucleinon-specific nuclei, which include = intralaminar + reticular + middle line nuclei

Are the companion cell without nuclei?

It does not consist of nuclei

Which arteries that supply thalamus?

mainly supplied by "posterior cerebral artery"few branches from "posterior communicating artery" and "inferior choroidal artery"

What connects the dentate nucleus to the thalamus?

The pathway that connects the dentate nuclei to the ventro-lateral thalamus is called the dentatothalamic tract. This is contained within the superior cerebellar peduncles.

Radioactive substances consist of nuclei that can't be held together by the what?

Radioactive substances consist of nuclei that can't be held together by the strong force.

Where is hypothalamus?

The hypothalamus is inferior to the thalamus. It is posterior(in back) of the optic chiasm beside the temporal lobes and optic tracts.

What is a basal ganglion?

A basal ganglion is any of a group of nuclei in the brain interconnected with the cerebral cortex, the thalamus and the brainstem.

What order neuron conduct sensory impulses from the brain stem and spinal cord to the thalamus?

from spinal nerve to posterior (dorsal) root

Which part of the brain make diencephalon?

The hypothalamus is made up of several small nuclei. There are many different functions of this nuclei including linking the nervous system to the endocrine system.

What does gamma radiation consist of a Electromagnetic waves b Electrons c Helium nuclei d Hydrogen nuclei?

Option 'a' is correct.

What are the four parts of the hypothalamus?

optic part, which contains 2 nuclei = supraoptic + paraventricular nucleituberal part, has 3 nuclei = ventromedial + dorsomedial + tubral nucleimamillary part, has 2 nuclei = posterior + lateral nucleiposterior perforated substance

What are the different relations for anterior limb and posterior limb of internal capsule?

short anterior limb = lies between the head of caudate (medially), and lentiform nucleus (laterally)long posterior limb = lies between the thalamus (medially), and lentiform nucleus (laterally)