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The redshift tells scientists how fast a star or galaxy is moving away from us.

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Q: What does the red shift tell scientists?
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Why are red shift and blue shift effects useful in the study of the universe?

Red shift means that other objects in the universe are moving away and blue shift means they are moving toward you. This helps to tell where these objects came from, and this knowledge helps predict where they are going to.

What is the opposite of the red shift?

The opposite of the red shift is the purple shift.

What information did scientists gain from measuring the red shift of stars or galaxies?

Scientists gained information about the movement of objects in space by measuring the red shift of stars or galaxies. The red shift indicates that objects are moving away from us, providing evidence for the expansion of the universe. This discovery led to the development of the Big Bang theory, which describes the origins and evolution of the universe.

What is red-shift and what does the size of the redshift tell us about the distant galaxies?

Red shift is the apparent elongation of the wavelength of light reaching us from distant sources of light due to the expansion of space in between. The amount of red shift can be used to work out the recessional velocity of a galaxy and it's distance from us.

How do scientists use computers to measure distance from stars?

From what I remember in two geology classes, scientists measure the distance between a star and Earth by comparing "red shift," a shifting of certain bands of light toward the "red" end of the spectrum. The further the shifting, the greater the distance.

When was The Red Shift created?

The Red Shift was created in 2005-06.

Would a light source moving away from Earth appear blue shifted or red shifted?

A red shift indicates an object that is moving away from the observer, and a blue shift indicates an object that is moving toward the observer. Both of these are called Doppler shifts.

What does red shift tell us about other galaxies?

It tells us that most galaxies are moving away from us.

How can scientists calculate the age of the universe using red shift?

The basic idea is to extrapolate the movement of galaxies into the past: at a certain moment, they were very close together.

What do volcanoes tell scientists about the crust or mars?

They tell scientists when the wolrd will in

What determines galaxy motion and distance?

One of the most reliable methods employed presently is using Hubbles Laws and Constant, utilizing the red shift. RED SHIFT A+LS (:

What is the shift in the light of a galaxy toward the red wavelength called?

This phenomenon is called red shift.