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Measurement of the red shift makes it possible to determine how quickly an astronomical object is moving away from the Earth. The overall picture of how many different objects are moving helps us to understand the expansion of the universe as a whole.

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Scientists gained information about the movement of objects in space by measuring the red shift of stars or galaxies. The red shift indicates that objects are moving away from us, providing evidence for the expansion of the universe. This discovery led to the development of the Big Bang theory, which describes the origins and evolution of the universe.

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Q: What information did scientists gain from measuring the red shift of stars or galaxies?
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What measurement was Edwin Hubble famous for?

Edwin Hubble was famous for measuring the red shift of distant galaxies and interpreting that as evidence of the expansion of the Universe.

What information using the Doppler shift have you found about the movement of stars and galaxies within your universe?

The universe is expanding.

What is the Doppler shift of galaxies?

It shows how galaxies are moving in relation to Earth.

How can scientists calculate the age of the universe using red shift?

The basic idea is to extrapolate the movement of galaxies into the past: at a certain moment, they were very close together.

The apparent shift in the spectrum of a star as it moves toward or away from the earth is explained by the phenomenon known as the?

Doppler effect. This effect causes the wavelengths of light from a star to appear shorter (blueshifted) as it moves towards the Earth and longer (redshifted) as it moves away, providing valuable information about the star's motion in space.

What is the relationship between red-shift and distant galaxies?

red shift is a distance and galaxies are planets. galaxies are also chocolate bars and red shift is not. thanks for your time. now go use your own knowledge and stop using google you gimps.

Do galaxies shift near or far away from earth?

Most galaxies have a red shift away from us - meaning they are moving away from us. However, the Andromeda galaxy has a blue shift, which means it is moving towards us. In about 2.5 billion years time, the two galaxies will merge.

Does red shift have anything to do with irregular galaxies?

NoRed shift is the Doppler effect as it applies to the light from receding galaxies and stars.As the name suggests, "irregular" galaxies have no specific form, and so the group contains a very diverse selection of objects.

What galaxies have a blue shift?

There are about a 100 known blue shifted galaxies. The most well known, is the Andromeda Galaxy.

What does red shift tell us about other galaxies?

It tells us that most galaxies are moving away from us.

What is red shift inti?

When galaxies move away from us, the waves of light stretch out- ie, they become redder. The greater the red shift, the faster the galaxies are moving away from us.

What observation of the light from galaxies shows that nearly all galaxies are moving away from us?

The Red Shift or Doppler effect