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It helps Catholics 'withdraw' graces from the deposit of grace and helps us prepare for our death

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Q: What does the sacrament achieve in the life of Catholics?
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How do Catholics repent?

Catholics repent in the sacrament of reconciliation, also known as confession.

Why is Baptism not the important sacrament for Catholics?

Baptism IS an important Sacrament for Catholics. It is the first Sacrament of 7 that we receive. Here is a link that will explain about the seven Sacramants of the Catholic Church. It is the MOST important Sacrament for Catholics because without it we would not be able to receive the other six Sacraments.

Does catholicism have ceremonies?

Catholics have sacraments: Baptism: The sacrament that makes people Catholic Reconciliation: The sacrament in which Catholics confess their sins and are forgiven by God Holy Eucharist: In which Catholics consume the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine at the Mass. Confirmation: The sacrament that increases and strengthens the grace received at Baptism and makes catholics soldiers of Christ Marriage: The sacrament in which a man and a woman are joined in matrimony. Holy Orders: The sacrament in which a person is made a priest, nun, or religious brother Anointing of the Sick: Grace given to sick people from God to prepare them for heaven

Why do Catholics celebrate Anointing of the Sick?

because god gave us that sacrament

Does the pope have a special sacrament?

No, the pope has the same seven sacraments as do all Catholics. As a priest and then bishop, he would receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders which is reserved for the clergy but there is no special sacrament for his elevation to the papacy.

The way in which Mass is a sacrament?

Mass is a sacrament in that Holy Communion is created through transubstantiation and administered to the Catholics present. Without the Eucharist portion of the mass, it is simply a ceremony or service without a sacrament.

What role does baptism play in the lives of Catholics?

Baptism is the sacrament by which individuals are incorporated into the Catholic Church and cleansed of original sin. It is considered the first step in the journey of faith and is essential for salvation according to Catholic doctrine. It also marks the beginning of a person's life as a member of the Christian community.

Is it required for Catholics to marry as part of the Seven Sacraments?

If a Catholic marries, he is required to do this in the presence of a priest, to have his marriage recognized and blessed by the Church. The sacrament of matrimony is one of the seven sacraments, the grace of this particular sacrament is solely oriented towards the spouse. Catholics are not required to be married, but if they do marry, then they must participate in the sacrament.

What is the Sacrament in which Original Sin and all personal sins are forgiven?

Catholics believe that the Sacrament of Baptism forgives Original Sin and all personal sin.

Do catholics eat human flesh and drink blood?

No, they do not. This is a misunderstanding of the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Do you genuflect when you go into a church that is not Catholic?

Catholics genuflect to honor the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. Protestants generally do not have the Blessed Sacrament present in the church so there would be no need to genuflect.

What is the sacrament you are called to share in the life of the blessed trinity?

The sacrament we are called to share in the life of the Blessed Trinity is Baptism.