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Q: What does the sailors opening of the bulls-hide bag suggest about their relationship with Odysseus?
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How did odysseus's men escape the wrath of the sirens?

Odysseus filled the ears of the sailors with wax before they tied him to the mast. The sailors couldn't hear the siren's song and Odysseus couldn't move.

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What was the name of the cyclops that ate odysseus sailors?


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They ate the sailors and destroyed the whole fleet.

What toll is exacted from Odysseus' ship as he passes Scylla?

Six sailors.

What happend in the sirens in the odyssey?

Nothing, they were left behind by Odysseus and his sailors.

How do Odysseus and his men avoid the danger of the Sirens?

The sailors ears were plugged so that they could not hear and Odysseus was lashed to the mast.

Why should Odysseus be wary of the sirens?

Odysseus should be wary of the sirens because their enchanting songs can lure sailors to their deaths by causing them to crash their ships into rocks. The sirens' irresistible melodies can lead sailors astray from their original path, putting them in grave danger. If Odysseus listens to the sirens' song, he risks losing his crew and failing in his journey back home.

Why does Odysseus become angry with eurylochus?

Odysseus becomes angry because Eurylochus tries to undermine his leadership. Eurylochus disregards Odysseus in front of the sailors and unsuccessfully tries to mutiny.

How is Odysseus able to conquer cyclops?

He drunk him and tricked him by saying his name was Nobdy. Odysseus poke his eye out and when people came in he was yelling " Nobdy did this to me". Odysseus and his sailors hid underneath the sheeps